Tues - Fri: 9 AM - 4:30 PM Sat: 10 AM - 4 PM

Buying in Bulk? Understanding the Math Behind the Meat

Learn about what it means to buy meat in bulk. TK Ranch charges a flat price per pound which includes cutting, vacuum packaging & delivery to our pick-up locations.


What's the cost of cheap food?

When making your buying choices choose locally produced food and help secure a healthy future for our rural and urban communities.


Dry-Aged Beef – A Premium Choice TK Ranch

Dry aged beef is very flavourful and the hanging process removes excess moisture. It also makes the meat much darker in colour and more tender to eat.


What About Organic

To know how your food is being raised you need to reconnect with the land. Develop personal relationships with people that grow and supply the food you consume.


Say No to Factory Farms

On TK Ranch the most important part of our meat program is animal welfare. Treating an animal with the utmost respect from birth to slaughter is our goal.


About Nutrient Dense Foods

TK Ranch supports the Weston A. Price Foundation, which is dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism.


Food Safety - Meeting Customer Needs & Canadian Government Regulations

At TK Ranch all processed meats must be made without the use of MSG, gluten, milk products, nitrites, nitrates or other artificial ingredients or fillers.


Grass-fed and Grass Finished Beef

What's the difference between grass-fed beef & grass finished beef? At TK Ranch we raise & and grass finish cattle without grain, which adds tremendous flavour & quality to our beef


Buying in Bulk? Understanding the Math Behind the Meat

Keeping math simple is important. TK Ranch charges a flat price per pound which includes cutting, vacuum packaging and delivery to one of our pick-up locations.


What’s the difference between conventional beef, natural beef, certified organic beef and TK Ranch grass-fed beef?

Understanding the differences between conventional beef, natural beef, certified organic beef & grass-fed beef is important when deciding about the meat you are buying