Tues - Fri: 9 AM - 4:30 PM Sat: 10 AM - 4 PM

Where's the beef? Appetite grows for local meat

Bringing home the bacon, chicken breast or ground beef is on the minds of many people during the COVID-19 outbreak and local meat companies are seeing a spurt in demand as a result. TK Ranch, which raises livestock near Coronation and processes and sells


Going slow speeds handling process

An Alberta rancher says cattle are better behaved if they can walk into a corral calmly and quietly instead of being chased. Dylan Biggs recognized the benefits of quiet cattle handling early in his career. The Hanna, Alta., rancher learned from Bud Willi


Wetland conservation a ‘win-win’ in dry ranching country

Wetland conservation has changed a lot since TK Ranch began partnering with Ducks Unlimited in 1957


Barnyard Basics: Tips for sorting calves from cows

It always pays to sort cattle quietly and calmly, especially when sorting the cows away from the calves for branding, weaning or any other purpose. Dylan Biggs (TK Ranch near Hanna, Alberta) realized the benefits of handling cattle quietly several decades


High cost of hay in Alberta could drive up beef prices, put livestock producers out of business

“We have a widespread drought across Canada, basically right from western Ontario all the way to central British Columbia, and this has created a significant feed shortage all across the country,” Biggs said.



Dylan has got an exceptional set of skills not only on working with cattle but also in teaching how to handle livestock in a quiet and most of all effective way. We eagerly listened to his captivating descriptions and stories throughout the two-day worksh


‘It’s looking terrible’: Alberta ranchers struggling in provincial drought

“Honestly, we're going to have to go up to our customers. I'm going to try and come up with a campaign here in the next couple of weeks where our customers can opt to help us feed a cow for a day or a week or a month," said Biggs.


“ Cattle are a tool that ranchers use to harvest sunlight. A lot of people go “what” to that but that is the truth.”

For over 30 years, Colleen Biggs has been the co-owner of TK Ranch, the pioneers of direct marketing grass-fed beef in Alberta. So, it should come as a surprise that at one point Colleen was a vegetarian. But it wasn’t a food craving that changed h


Determination the crucial ingredient to TK Ranch’s success

This Alberta ranch has seen its share of tough times but the Biggs family keeps moving forward


Dylan Biggs Provides Perspective. From 1915

My Grandpa Jack Hallett arrived in Canada in 1905 with five dollars to his name at the age of 17 all on his own from England. This excerpt from his memoirs helps me with perspective, considering the 2021 drought.


Direct marketing beef builds ‘tremendous opportunity’

At first, direct marketing gave Dylan and Colleen Biggs hope to save the farm. Now it's driving robust expansion


An Environmentalist’s Case for Beef

Forget “fake meat.” Why eating grass-finished cows is best for the planet.


Where's the beef? Appetite grows for local meat

CALGARY -- Bringing home the bacon, chicken breast or ground beef is on the minds of many people during the COVID-19 outbreak and local meat companies are seeing a spurt in demand as a result.


Expert says go with the flow when working cattle

Dylan Biggs says there’s no ‘magical facility’ that will keep 
cattle calm and quiet — the biggest factor is how they are handled


Hanna ranchers win award for animal care

The Hanna-area ranchers were recognized for their long-term commitment to animal welfare and sustainably produced food, which has served as a model approach inspiring the progress of many others. This has included hosting clinics on low-stress livestock h


IMPACT program to host beef handling clinics

Dylan Biggs, a cattle handling expert from Alberta, will be in Southwestern Ontario conducting three one-day workshops for beef farmers on low-stress cattle handling. Hosted by Farm & Food Care Ontario’s IMPACT program, the workshops will feature p


Alberta beef producers say they're ahead of the curve as consumers look for sustainable meat

'What we've done is address their concerns around the environment, animal welfare, sustainability and quality'. Calls to consume less meat to protect the environment have some ranchers in Alberta turning their focus to more sustainable meat production.


Ranchers Improved their Cattle Handling Skills with Dylan Biggs

Dylan Biggs, a cattle handling expert, taught a Stockmanship Workshop on Wednesday, August 9, in Champion, which was put on by the Foothills Forage and Grazing Association. There was a two hour classroom session at the Community Hall, and the rest of the


Diversifying the small family farm

Manitoba producers, Cameron and Lisa Hodgins run a mixed operation outside of Lenore with Cameron’s parents. They have been diversifying their small farm in a number of different ways, including direct marketing their grass-fed beef.


Alberta's agricultural industry impacted by Omicron

CALGARY - The agricultural industry has struggled to hire and maintain staff for some time partly because many people don't want to travel into the country for wages that can be lower than in urban areas. But now that shortage in workers is being exacerba


PECKING ORDER? Where Are You in the

In the social world of cattle or horses, there is always a leader — a boss bull or cow or lead mare. The social hierarchy is dynamic, everyone is ranked, and the process is continual. Rank isn’t simply given; it is earned. Top rank gives phy


28 Innovative Livestock Farmers Who are Shaping the Future of Protein

It is estimated that there were 1 billion cattle and 767 million pigs worldwide in 2019. And there were 996 million chickens in 2018. The number of chickens alone is three times larger than the global human population. Animal source foods like meat, eggs,